Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ups and Downs

So I have almost been here in Costa Rica for 5 months now, which is so weird to think about. Being here definitely has its ups and downs, but this past month has been more up and down than usual. Things here are very normal now. I have a routine I’m used to, I know how to take the bus really well, I know what food I’m going to get everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner. Things are no longer new and exciting. I’ve left the “honeymoon” stage if you will. This is good in that I feel like I have really settled here. However, because everything has lost its newness now, it makes me miss things back home more. I will say this past month has been the toughest when it comes to homesickness.

Like I said though, this month has also had a lot of ups. We had the annual youth camp this year, and in many ways it was like all the other youth camps I have been a part of here. We had some great messages, games, and free time. My favorite part of course was the free time because I had the chance to just sit and talk to several of the youth that I didn’t know very well. It was the first time that I didn’t have to translate the camp, so I was able to sit and listen to the other youth leaders share their lessons and in turn was richly blessed. It was also the first time that when the time come to go back to the church to be greeted by all the parents and have the closing ceremony that I didn’t get choked up in tears. I didn’t have to say sad “goodbyes” and “see you next years” and that was an amazing feeling. I am able to continue building relationships with the youth here and my ministry doesn’t just end after a week. The difference is amazing being able to see how the youth continue to grow and change after the camp when they return back to school and reality. I get to be there when they struggle with daily things, when they celebrate their birthdays, and when they need help with their English homework. The blessing is so much great when I am able to invest this whole year and not just a week. This is all I have to think about when I am in those low times and it puts everything in perspective again and makes it all worth it. Just today I was walking to my house and saw a family from the church that has 4 little girls. A missionary from the Mormon Church was talking to them. I stopped to talk to them, and one of the little girls would not stop hugging me while we were chatting. It was such a beautiful image of why I am here. The other missionary was trying to share her religion with the family in a short 5-minute conversation, but because I see these girls every week at church I am able to have a true relationship with them.

My adventure here has not been easy, especially being away from my family. However, little by little God is strengthening my relationships here. I have learned a lot about what it means to “leave your father and mother” to serve the Lord and I am continuing to learn everyday what it means to fully rely on Him in everything. I have always known how important my church family is, and here it is growing even bigger.