I have been thinking about Matthew 6:26 a lot lately. “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor
reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”
When I started this journey in October of 2010, and I was
looking at the budget and how much I needed to raise in support I was nervous, worried, anxious, all the emotions that display lack of trust in the Lord.
I thought Lord how in the world am I going to raise these funds… Well he
answered by reminding me that all the funds in the world are His and we are
just stewards of it. So after the initial shock of the end number, God gave me
an amazing peace about everything. Once I gave control of the budget to God, I
started seeing the donations rolling in. Also, He blessed me with two great
jobs while I was in college, so I was able to put money into the ministry as
well. It made working while studying so much easier when I new that my work at
the present time was going to help support my future work here in Costa Rica.
Now that I am well into my time here in Costa Rica and I continue to see funds
come in I laugh at how I was first nervous about having enough money to come. I
think God was laughing at me when I was worrying about asking people for money
because he had everything in control even before the very first thought of coming to
Costa Rica. In this moment I am so happy to report
that I am at 100% + extra funding right now. I have enough in my account to
support myself and the ministry costs here for the rest of my time here. I have
been so humbled by the support I have received; not only financially,
but also spiritually. God has shown me
what it means to be blessed by giving, both on the giving and receiving end. I
know what it feels like to be so overwhelmed by seeing donations come in to
support something you care so much about. Thank you so much for your gifts and prayers. Even though
I am 100% financially funded, I will NEVER be without need of your thoughts and
prayers. So I am asking that you continue this journey with me by praying for
me, and the Calles Blancos community.
On another note, I realized that I haven't blogged in over a month. YIKES! So many things have happened since I last blogged. I went home for 2 beautiful weddings, I came back to Costa Rica, then my sister came to visit for 2 weeks. Things will continue to be crazy busy in July. We have a youth camp next week, vacation bible school, a missionary team coming to do some work on the church, and of course THE OLYMPICS :). So there will be plenty to blog about next month!